Another Sunday in the books, and another successful meeting as well. We received some new folks to the team (yay!), and welcomed back some old ones.

Our Fundraising team is working as hard as ever planning for two upcoming events, all the proceeds of which will go towards this project.

Speaking of fun, our first big public fun(d)raising event will be held on May 12th in Berkeley. It will be a huge dance party with live DJs, open bar, face painting, silent auction, and much more. We have everything ready, except for you! So, join us, be merry, and help bring the Chilopod to the playa. (Seriously, without your help, we're nothing but hard work and lots of enthusiasm). More information is available on the event page at https://www.facebook.com/events/1796570093726924/

While the Fundraising team is working its magic, the Build team is getting read to start putting the nults to bolts, with our official work parties beginning May 19th. A few of the the questions between now and then will be deciding on if the Chilopod's spine will be in one or two pieces, and if it will be made in our warehouse or somewhere else.

Darryl and Lana are two amazing souls working through most of the designing, and can always use more help, especially with CAD. Even without CAD, if you have some time on your hands and have any experience with building, help us as one of the Build Leads for this weekend, and we will LOVE you for it!
And lastly, as the Build team is finalizing the design, the Tech team has already started playing with different controller boards and strips. Since the relationship between the structure and the technology is very symbiotic, it's imperative that these two teams work together, and so far, Herb, Max, Amy, Darryl, Nita, and Lana have been just perfect in communicating, understanding, and helping each other. For the Tech team, we are looking for some help with sound and sensors, so if you have any experience or interest, in that field, you know what that means!

That's mainly it! Come join us next Sunday, and in the meantime, enjoy these pictures!